We Help Freelancers Turn Their Skills Into A Scalable Business In 6 Weeks

Watch this training to discover the exact system to building a scalable service business without adding hours or changing what you are already doing.

Stop Trading Time For Money

Increase Your Income

Do More Of What You Love


Tired Of...

  • Feeling like every project starts from scratch?
  • Having to say NO to new customers because of no capacity?
  • Relying on word of mouth to generate clients leading to inconsistent cashflow?
  • Constantly dealing with client fire drills and scope creep?
  • Feeling like clients get to set your prices instead of you?
  • Client's hiring you to implement their vision and not your expertise?
  • Working nights and weekends to catch up with projects so you can get paid?
  • Feeling like you have little control over the business?

If yes, we get it. We've been there. That's why we've developed a step-by-step system to help you avoid burnout and build a scalable service business.


Go From Owning An Overwhelming Job To Owning A Scalable Business

Our system helps you go...


  • Feeling like an employee in your own business
  • Putting out last minute fires for customers
  • Struggling to get customers to see your expertise
  • Limiting your income by having limited capacity
  • Loosing money when projects overlap
  • Dealing with constant scope changes
  • Struggling to get customers to pay your prices


  • Grow a business that delivers value without you
  • Eliminate the stress of random projects
  • Customers appreciating what you are worth
  • Getting a growing income you can enjoy
  • Building a low-cost, skilled team to deliver for you
  • Seeing customers love your work
  • Getting to commit to the payment and the work

Get on the path to building the business that gives you the freedom, stability, and income you want.

Introducing THE

Skills Of Life System

A 6-step results-driven framework designed to help you package your skills and expertise into a Unique Productized Offer (UPO) so that you can scale your business without adding extra hours.

By working directly with Juan and his team, you get the support and guidance you need to ensure the successful implementation of the system allowing you to go from working IN your business to working ON your business.

How The Process

Looks Like

1. Watch The Training

Discover the unique model to scaling without courses.

2. Apply For The Program

Book a call to see if the program is right for you

3. Install Our Proven System

Work with Juan to implement the systems

4. Scale Your Business

Get back your time and increase your income


The Income & Flexibility You Want

At Skills of Life we know you want to build a video business that works for you. In order to do that, you need to develop a Unique Productized Offer your ideal customers would want. The problem is that you are too close to your business to see it and others don't understand the extra challenges you have from trying to turn your skills into a business, making you feel frustrated and overwhelmed. 

We believe your deserve to build a video business that gives you the freedom of time, money, and place. We understand you are ready for this, you want this, which is why we help you implement the processes to growing your business.


Here's how we do it: 1. Apply to join the program 2. Implement the system 3. Own a scalable business.

So, apply now for the program to see if it's right for you. And In the meantime, watch the training. So you can stop giving away your best years and instead grow an agency that gives you the resources you want while making a positive impact in the lives of those around you.



Discover How To Grow A Scalable Service Business Without The Extra Hours

Watch the training to learn the 3 steps to increasing capacity and your income while dropping your hours.